At the beginning of November, immediately after Halloween, I set out to buy some Thanksgiving decor. I learned very quickly from the scanty inventory in every store that I was a month late. Stores were already decked out in full Christmas glory. While ridiculous, I wasn't surprised. Thanksgiving was late this year and the stores wanted to get a jump start on their holiday sales. I'm no stranger to holiday sales timing. We all know Christmas is the big sales Kahuna for stores. Soon, Bryan Adams' dream of celebrating Christmas every day will come true. I think we're half way there. But....
What I didn't expect, is to find stores already breaking down the Christmas stuff in the middle of December! This weekend I was shopping in a store that had already consolidated its Christmas items to a section, put them on sale, and had busted out their Spring inventory! I'm sorry but this is getting beyond ridiculous. Can we please shop for things in their relevant season? What's next? Breaking out the bathing suits in the middle of winter? Ok, bad example. What's next? Pushing winter clothes in summer? Another bad one. What's next? Celebrating Easter in December?
Perhaps in 100 years, stores will have pushed Christmas sales so much earlier each year, that they'll actually get back to selling things in December.
Until then... Have Yourself a Merry Little Easter!
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