Thursday, October 8, 2009

Reading Resource

My son began to show a more serious interest in learning how to read at the beginning of the year. I had never pushed the issue, and waited for his lead on when to start the process. By that time, he was familiar with the letters of the alphabet and most of their sounds, but I wasn't sure where to go from there. When I asked around for other moms' advice on a good book to help teach your child to read, this book kept coming up.

So, I checked it out from the library to give it a little test drive. It does not have fancy illustrations (it looks more like a text book), and it takes a little preparation on your part to learn how to conduct the lessons, but my son seemed to enjoy it. It teaches the sounds of the letters, etc. so it's not necessary for your child to have any previous knowledge. I just wanted to throw it out there for you moms whose children might be approaching this new milestone. I had never heard of it before I started asking around.

(I understand after my son becomes more proficient at reading, that I will have the joy of hearing him sound out graffiti and expletives. I can't wait!

Any other great resources out there?


  1. It's funny that you posted this today. I had just been thinking about doing a post about reading.

    I really don't know much about the book that you referred to. I was introduced to it years ago, but can't remember much.

    However, here are my thoughts about teaching your child to read. When I was a teacher, I didn't care whether the parents of my students had sat down with their child with the intent of teaching him how to read. I didn't care if they had gone through a method similar to the one you referenced. I DID care if the parents had read to their child and had instilled a love of reading in their child. That was the most important thing.

    I had so many students who already felt like reading was boring, hard, and that they were not good at it. They wouldn't even try to learn. I felt like I had to devote so much of my efforts in helping the child see that he or she was smart and capable of reading. If only the parents had already done that at home! Then I could have gotten right down to the business of teaching their child how to read instead of building confidence.

    I guess I'm trying to say that the greatest reading resource is your public library! Let your kids get library cards and choose books. Read them together. Read all the time! Choose books with repeating sentences and soon your preschooler will be "reading" along with you. When they do this, praise them for being so smart! Tell them they are a reader so they will see themselves as a reader. When they recognize that a stop sign says "stop" point out that they just read a word! Make reading time so much fun that your child can't help but love it and in turn, when he's ready, he'll catch on so quickly.

    If your child shows interest in learning how to read and you feel a program like the one you mentioned would be good for him, then go for it. However, like you said, make sure your child is the guide. If he starts losing interest and reading is becoming drudgery, cease immediately! Go back to simply having fun with a book. Your child is learning so much about reading when you read to him.

    Can you tell I'm passionate about this? If you want a great book about the benefits of reading aloud to your child and how to have fun with reading, I highly recommend "Reading Magic" by Mem Fox. It's a really quick read and it will rejuvenate you about the benefits of reading with your little ones.

  2. Whoa. I just saw how long my comment was. Once I get going, I just can't stop!

  3. Rebecca-
    Thanks for your input! It is a good reminder to us parents to not put so much pressure on ourselves or our children. I liked your emphasis to make sure reading never becomes drudgery.
