Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Good Wife's Guide

I became aware of "The Good Wife's Guide" while in college. (Disturbingly enough, a boy I dated carried a copy of it in his wallet. This is not the boy I married.). Go ahead and give it a read. I'll wait here.

Back? Okay. So, just in case you've gotten your panties in a bundle, you should know that the good people over at Snopes have left the status of this guide as "undetermined". Meaning, they don't know if this was ever real, or just a fabrication to exaggerate the "horrors" of being a housewife in the 1950's.

Real or not, do you think there is any wisdom to be gleaned from the article, or should it be stricken from the earth eternally?


  1. Those were clearly different times. Back then the unemployed stood in lines with overcoats and fedora hats. Family's were embarassed about pregnancy out of wedlock and hippies hadn't been invented yet. With the advent of television the men have become more concerned with sports and being entertained than how tight a ship he's running.

  2. Here's a quote from Pres. Hinckley that I love:

    "If you will make your first concern the comfort, the well-being and the happiness of your companion, sublimating any personal concern to that loftier goal, you will be happy, and your marriage will go on through eternity."

    When I read "The Good Wife's Guide," it seems to be encouraging women to think about their husbands and to put his needs first. I agree with trying to do that. I agree with understanding that he may have had a hard day and may need time to unwind when he gets home. I want him to feel like he's entered a happy place when he comes home.

    However, that's only half of the equation. The husband also needs to realize that the wife (even if she is "just" a housewife) has also been working all day. She also may need time to unwind. She may need help with dinner or with the kids. If he is just as concerned with her happiness when he comes home as the wife is when he comes home, he will notice the times when she is frazzled and will help her out.

    I believe a strong marriage would result if both parties are willing to pamper the other or rescue the other as needed at the end of the day.

  3. Mike-
    It's a little known fact that ESPN was created by women to distract them, just as you have observed. Too bad it backfired, creating zombie like men who do not participate in conversation when watching.:)

    That is a great quote, and it is sometimes easier said than done. At first, I was kind of bugged by the "guide" because I think the article almost begins to make the wife sound less important than the man, instead of an equal partner. But, I do agree with the idea it suggests of being mindful of your spouse's stresses, need to unwind, etc. and trying to create a peaceful atmosphere for your family. It would be fun to find a "Good Husband's Guide" to go with it.
